Can You Read 1000, 2000, or 3000 Books in a Year?

Read 1000 books
Is it possible to memorize all the contacts you have in your phone, or read 1000 books in a year? With a photographic memory (eidetic memory) then the answer is YES. However, most people struggle to remember what they ate for lunch a fortnight ago. In case you did not know, Mental Photography = ZOXing = using Photographic memory for absorbing information. So the question that begs is how do you develop a photographic brain that allows you to remember important information? To answer the question it is through brain management and brain coaching. Brain coaching entails facilitating positive change to improve thinking.

There are numerous benefits of brain coaching such as increased conviction, greater clarity for enhanced focus, improved personal productivity as well as effectiveness. On the other hand, brain management involves teaching people about photographic memory, progressive mental techniques, and brain enhancement. The benefits of brain management include mental photography, enhanced brain stamina, and health, production of the complex neural structure as well as integrity. Brain Management is not about speed reading but how to absorb lots of information (photographic memory stuff). As a result, you will find yourself accumulating data above 100,000 words per minute that you can retain for a lifetime.

Everyone can learn to mentally photograph because it is the first way everyone learned – photographic memory (eidetic memory). It is NATURAL. Here is how you can re-teach your brain to process information so that you can absorb lots of information. First, start by building your palace. A good memory palace is your childhood home because it is somewhere you know well. Second, construct the images of things you want to remember such as the shopping items on your grocery list. Third, place the images with a list of groceries in your palace. Fourth and finally, make sure you take a walk so that you can remember your images.