Time Management

How can we do better time management using our natural abilities? As the saying goes, “Knowledge is a single point in which the foolish have multiplied.” There are many techniques to manage time that can be learned. Brain Management founds on the innate capacity of your subconscious mind, leaving you to make the choices, and your time management to improve as a natural by-product of the training.

What is Time Management?

This has been defined as using the time available to you in an effective and useful manner. This includes the number of things you do and the thoroughness with which you do them.

The Conscious and the Subconscious

The conscious mind is effective in thinking and analyzing – procrastinating. The subconscious mind is effective for doing, or action. Ever heard of the term “No-brainer”? In other words, “without thinking”. Breathing, for example, is not consciously controlled. We do not plan and then execute every breath and all processes necessary to perform breathing.

Procrastination is when a person thinks too much and tries too hard to do something. Phrases such as “Just do it” exist for a reason.

Practice Makes Perfect

Training the body to be better at a particular movement pattern, for example running, makes a better runner. Brain Management training takes this approach and exercises the area of the brain responsible for doing and strengthens the pathway between the subconscious and conscious mind. This allows our time management to automatically improve because we are exercising the part of our brain responsible for ‘doing’. Tasks or things you have to do can just happen easier and better. It is that simple.


A unique quality of working on manage your time in this way is that it is extremely effective but not tedious. The trainee of Brain Management cannot help but improve their efficiency to manage time for the reasons mentioned above. However, the exercises themselves were not developed solely for managing time. For you the practitioner, this means practicing Brain Management and improving your efficiency to manage time, without the typical singular focus on the techniques to manage time. Rather, Brain Management centers on mental photography and self-development, automatically bringing better time management.

Defining Smarter: Brain Management for Your Time Management

Few, if any, techniques address managing your time in such a simple, yet effective, scientific manner as Brain Management. Most focus on forming good habits: “Plan your day; be efficient with emails; find your productivity zone. These are good general practices. Brain Management can increase your brain’s capacity and neuroplasticity, creating better neuronal connections and hemispheric balancing, literally growing your brain. Our training exercises your subconscious, and so the area of your brain that “does” becomes more developed. Our training integrates your conscious and subconscious mind. The thinking and analyzing part of the brain and the doing part of the brain become more synchronized and work together. To explore the potential of your brain and improve your time management, check out Brain Management!

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