Stress Management

What is Brain Management Training?

Our method of Brain Management helps in stress management and has been shown to activate all four brain states to the maximum simultaneously and is currently the only known method to do this. We utilize abilities innate in every person and proven by Stanford Research Institute, Florida State University, and others. Our techniques involve Mental Photography, relaxation and growth techniques leading to brain hemisphere phase alignment and the synthesis of your conscious and subconscious mind through opening neural pathways in the brain. According to the Neuro-Efficiency Analyzer test for measuring IQ and used by West Point Academy, when the hemispheres of the brain are in perfect phase-alignment IQ is infinite. In other words, our techniques enable access to 100% of brain capacity. Most people may only knowingly use a fraction of their brain for their benefit. Our Brain Management Training also increases dendrite growth, no matter the age, increasing your brain’s capacity and overall well-being.

Stress: The State of Dis-Ease

Stress can lead to illness, result in decreased energy levels, and is a symptom of imbalance within yourself. The factors may be external or internal. Stress can also be a source of growth: necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. Cause and effect, or Karma, can be a source of distress or utilized for growth. School, college, professions, everyone deals with what is in front of them.

Who Are We and How Can We Deal with Stress?

Your Mind and Your Brain

Your mind and your brain work together. They occupy the same space, but the mind is not limited to the cranial cavity nor to matter. In quantum mechanics this is called superimposition. Erwin Schrodinger, the father of quantum mechanics, said “The total number of minds in the universe is one”. Bell’s theorem has been proven, showing that consciousness is non-local and that everything in the universe is connected as a whole. Simply put, every person is aware, and the awareness is a singularity: you are aware, animals are aware, plants are aware (see Dr. Baxter’s experiments or The Secret Life of Plants), and on. Your brain is the physical organ sitting between your ears. Both are important.

Brain Management Training

Addressing the cause responsible for the effect is our methodology. Stress starts above the physical level, into quanta and beyond. Einstein famously said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” The mind is very effective for healing and can deal with issues before the level of their manifestation. With Brain Management training, we are able to mitigate stress through our bespoke whole brain learning methods, giving you greater access to consciousness by increasing the integration of your conscious mind and subconscious mind. Our subconscious programming and manifestation techniques develop you as a person, in whatever way you see best for yourself.